Saturday, November 18, 2006


I was drenched(mild rain) and on my way back home from office. With only my helmet safe guarding my head from rain, one of those extra services helmet is meant for. Its 11:00 pm and now reached a place where I need to go under a rail track. Water logging is very clear on the entire road under the track about 20m length and flowing

Just going 5 minutes back. In rain on my bike I was cruzing at 60 km/hr. get to see a couple(might be husband and wife) on HONDA SPLENDER parallel to me I over took them and wondering how this guy would manage with a girl so late that to in rain.

Now in front of under way of rail track two, three vehicles in front stopped not knowing what to do. A maruthi car2 took a U turn to go back. Another Ambassador on the other way gushed in to the logged water, could see almost the radiator drowned. Another Yamaha bike being dragged and pulled by three pupil. Another maruthi car1 got stuck with its indicator lights blinking
(owner left the car long back).

With all these odds as there could be any crater to rest my Bajaj CT100 in the logged water I made a move to follow the U turn maruthi car2. By this time the SPLENDER couple arrived. This guy without any second thought gushed in to the pool of water in front. Me simply followed SPLENDER as if they get stuck I can still be safe. Though almost my legs were in water I managed to cross the water log.

Who is the hero? the SPLENDER and the follower? the CT100. Can be used to promote or advertise HERO HONDA products.

In life also role model foot steps can be of great help. Pupil who I though how they could help themselves helped my way out of water log. In few seconds the GUY has become a hero. My perspective took a U turn instead of my bike.

Note: happened some months back may be in August 2006.