Wednesday, May 17, 2006

About Mary

Check 1million, 2million, 3 million

finally im in to blog sphere

After my dinner I lied on my bed switched on the TV. " Build me up…butter cup baby" that’s what I see. A melody song from "There is some thing about Mary". This song follows the ending of the movie. As I was watching this, cool (some what cool) breeze along with water sprinkling on my face, our desert cooler is responsible for this. What could be a better way to end the day? I fell a sleep as the song ended.

Now who is Mary? Mary, played my Cameron Diaz is this young charming lady who has this radiance that any average young guy would fall in love with. This lady who actively involves in golf, social events has this charisma that every men around her try out some means so that they bag the heart of Mary. Guys, I am not writing a movie review.

So how many of you tried for a Mary? Men (of course few exception will be) do what not to get close to someone like Mary. You need to be careful even with the acquaintances of Mary. Its really a tough job, but at the end do you get Mary is a million dollar question? Can you find Mary? Is it really worth to wait for Mary?